Trisha F. (Aux)
I was already working at Aux when Nikki joined the team and I got to know her very well. While we worked in different departments, our desks were next to each other for the first few years. We often worked together to solve client issues. I could always count on Nikki's outstanding skills to save the day when one of my clients had accounting problems.
Nikki was instrumental in developing the on-boarding process for new accounting clients. She was able to look at their processes and GL accounts that sometimes were a tangled mess and fix it so that things ran smoothly and everything balanced. I don't know how she did it - and I'm not sure the clients did either - but they were grateful and said so.
Nikki is calm and clear when working with clients. Some that she worked with did not understand basic concepts, and some were already frustrated and angry when they called. She was always patient and kind on the phone and would try different ways to describe a concept if they didn’t understand right away.
That same patience and kindness came into play with new employees. She spent time training new employees until they were comfortably ready to be on their own. She was the go-to person when anyone had a question about accounting, regulations, and best-practices.
Another great thing about Nikki is her sense of humor. She is just fun to be around and there was often laughter ringing out of the accounting department. Even the worst days are better with a little laughter.